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About Us

AlphaBetty Adventures...


is an interactive immersive theatre and storytelling session for pre-school children from 2 - 5. Sessions are themed on letters of the alphabet and use a well known story as inspiration for a puppet show and related sensory, music, dance, literacy, numeracy, science or craft related activities. Come along and meet Betty to find out what story will be in the magical big red book each week!


When and where

We currently run our AlphaBetty Adventures sessions at Oakridge Hall for All, Basingstoke. Sessions cost £7.50 payable in advance. Please go to our contact page for email details to register your interest in courses . We currently run classes on a Wednesday, but I plan to ad hoc sessions on other days during school holidays later in the year.  Classes run throughout the summer holidays, but if you are only interested in sessions during term time then let me know and I can add you to our waiting list for the next term-time sessions.


Interested in other locations for our classes or would like to enquire about sessions being run at a nursery or pre-school? We'd love to hear from you!

Meet Our Staff

Lee-Anne Hampson

Founder, Owner and Artist


I'm a mother of two who loves arts, crafts, messy play and educational learning. I put these sessions together to enhance the precious time we have with our children before they start school.

The Guinea Pig and voice artist




I'm Lee-Anne's daughter and I love AlphaBetty Adventures. I have tried and tested all of the sessions and can't get enough of them. 

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